Chupacabra Vs The Alamo Chupacabra Vs The Alamo Funny Part


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    Mar 04, 2020

    No puedo ver la pelicula. No se que sucede Ayuda!!!!

    No puedo ver la pelicula. No se que sucede Ayuda!!!!

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    Dec 17, 2019

    Once you get past the absurd premise, this movie is a doggone good time. Goofy CG, check. Overacting by Erik Estrada and crew, check. Some of the worst rear-screen projection you will ever see, double check.'s fun in it's illogical use of vintage muskets rather than Uzi's to gun down the rampaging Chupacabra (which are awfully small and kinda cute. And where else are you going to see the Alamo go up in flames that look cartoonish beyond words? REMEMBER to see this hoot of a film!

    Once you get past the absurd premise, this movie is a doggone good time. Goofy CG, check. Overacting by Erik Estrada and crew, check. Some of the worst rear-screen projection you will ever see, double check.'s fun in it's illogical use of vintage muskets rather than Uzi's to gun down the rampaging Chupacabra (which are awfully small and kinda cute. And where else are you going to see the Alamo go up in flames that look cartoonish beyond words? REMEMBER to see this hoot of a film!

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    Aug 10, 2018

    I think this film gets a bad rep, I love watching terrible films for fun (that's just me) what makes this movie special is how all over the place the cast list is (the dad from Mia and Migel and a power ranger) and how much each character tries to play off each other. It's not quite stupid enough for me to give it a higher review and the last quarter is slow. But it has some very stupid one liners and just ridiculous ideas all throughout. I love how serious this movie tries to take itself and how it feels like a long episode of a cop drama but this movie is fun to make fun of and laugh at and for that it's one I always come back too.

    I think this film gets a bad rep, I love watching terrible films for fun (that's just me) what makes this movie special is how all over the place the cast list is (the dad from Mia and Migel and a power ranger) and how much each character tries to play off each other. It's not quite stupid enough for me to give it a higher review and the last quarter is slow. But it has some very stupid one liners and just ridiculous ideas all throughout. I love how serious this movie tries to take itself and how it feels like a long episode of a cop drama but this movie is fun to make fun of and laugh at and for that it's one I always come back too.

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    May 23, 2018

    If you liked Passion of the Christ you're going to LOVE Chupacabra Vs The Alamo. When a vicious horde of cartoon chihuahuas attacks the Alamo it's up to George Lopez, Davey Crockett, and the guy who plays Glenn from The Walking Dead to stop them. Armed with a bag of infinite C4 explosives our heroes make their final stand.

    If you liked Passion of the Christ you're going to LOVE Chupacabra Vs The Alamo. When a vicious horde of cartoon chihuahuas attacks the Alamo it's up to George Lopez, Davey Crockett, and the guy who plays Glenn from The Walking Dead to stop them. Armed with a bag of infinite C4 explosives our heroes make their final stand.

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    Jun 30, 2014

    Sometimes the bad movie Gods send a gift my way and I bump into it while I am flipping channels - and sure enough - I saw the fucking Ponch himself playing a DEA agent surrounded by the most stereotypical mexican stereotypes ever found on film as his backup all ready to hunt and kill an entire horde of Chupacabras ( who knew there was more than one ) who had taken over the Alamo - yes - I do get the irony of something originating from Mexico attacking the Alamo.....I mean - the words Remember The Alamo are said at one point in the movie - absolutely terrible brilliance. Ponch is here keeping his wig from falling and over acting the living hell out of each and every scene with shotgun in hand and what it appears to be an endless supply of bullets as he never once reloads this thing the entire movie lol. And he has half the cast of Los Vatos Locos as his team where he goes and hunts the chupacabras and after being overwhelmed by them - they make a run for The Alamo - in gloriously terrible green screen super imposed CG so bad it almost made me want to quit HD viewing lol. The Chupacabras themselves looks like Chihuahuas I am surprised one didn't look at the screen and said yo quiero taco bell or heeerreee lizzaarrdd lizzaarrdd lizzzaarrrdd. Watch it only if you have nothing else going or if you are like me and must endure these movies so we can warm the world about them lol.

    Sometimes the bad movie Gods send a gift my way and I bump into it while I am flipping channels - and sure enough - I saw the fucking Ponch himself playing a DEA agent surrounded by the most stereotypical mexican stereotypes ever found on film as his backup all ready to hunt and kill an entire horde of Chupacabras ( who knew there was more than one ) who had taken over the Alamo - yes - I do get the irony of something originating from Mexico attacking the Alamo.....I mean - the words Remember The Alamo are said at one point in the movie - absolutely terrible brilliance. Ponch is here keeping his wig from falling and over acting the living hell out of each and every scene with shotgun in hand and what it appears to be an endless supply of bullets as he never once reloads this thing the entire movie lol. And he has half the cast of Los Vatos Locos as his team where he goes and hunts the chupacabras and after being overwhelmed by them - they make a run for The Alamo - in gloriously terrible green screen super imposed CG so bad it almost made me want to quit HD viewing lol. The Chupacabras themselves looks like Chihuahuas I am surprised one didn't look at the screen and said yo quiero taco bell or heeerreee lizzaarrdd lizzaarrdd lizzzaarrrdd. Watch it only if you have nothing else going or if you are like me and must endure these movies so we can warm the world about them lol.

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    Feb 27, 2014

    How many times have you been watching a movie and said, "I love all the chupacabras in this movie but it could really use some American history." Well today is your lucky day. This delightful tale features Erik Estrada pushing his thespian limits by playing a cop who rides a motorcycle. Or, more accurately, he sits on a stationary motorcycle in front of a video of roadside footage. Anyway, what would any good God-fearing Texans worth their salt do if a whole mess o' chupacabras came down from the hills to chew on the townspeople? They would hole up in the goddamn Alamo, that's what! Best quote: "We got chupacabras up in here!"

    How many times have you been watching a movie and said, "I love all the chupacabras in this movie but it could really use some American history." Well today is your lucky day. This delightful tale features Erik Estrada pushing his thespian limits by playing a cop who rides a motorcycle. Or, more accurately, he sits on a stationary motorcycle in front of a video of roadside footage. Anyway, what would any good God-fearing Texans worth their salt do if a whole mess o' chupacabras came down from the hills to chew on the townspeople? They would hole up in the goddamn Alamo, that's what! Best quote: "We got chupacabras up in here!"

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    Oct 22, 2013

    This should have been called Bad CGI Chupacabra vs Ponch On Bad Green Screen. The "special" effects were bad as well. That all being said, there were elements that were entertaining, there was a small amount of gore and plenty of humor, both intentional and not. The Alamo tour guide was fairly awesome. He made this one more tolerable for me.

    This should have been called Bad CGI Chupacabra vs Ponch On Bad Green Screen. The "special" effects were bad as well. That all being said, there were elements that were entertaining, there was a small amount of gore and plenty of humor, both intentional and not. The Alamo tour guide was fairly awesome. He made this one more tolerable for me.

  • Aug 18, 2013

    Chupacabra's just aren't that scary in real life, but at least this film tries to bring back some of the horror behind the legend. Overall it has some fun scenes, interesting characters, but after an hour, it gets old. The effects aren't great, but there is a decent bit of gore. Not the best story out there, but in some ways, it's a fun little monster flick.

    Chupacabra's just aren't that scary in real life, but at least this film tries to bring back some of the horror behind the legend. Overall it has some fun scenes, interesting characters, but after an hour, it gets old. The effects aren't great, but there is a decent bit of gore. Not the best story out there, but in some ways, it's a fun little monster flick.

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    Jul 30, 2013

    Not as good as chupacabra terror. Now there's something I never expected to state during my life. Dreadful effects, no "it had babies" twist, and Eric Estrada. A truely awful combo.

    Not as good as chupacabra terror. Now there's something I never expected to state during my life. Dreadful effects, no "it had babies" twist, and Eric Estrada. A truely awful combo.

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    Jul 03, 2013

    Dumb, but I watched it..

    Dumb, but I watched it..


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