Relation Between Amount of Math You Know and Money You Make

Your grade school math teacher probably told you that being good at math would be very important to your grownup self. Just maybe the younger you didn't believe that at the time. A lot of enquiry, though, has shown that your teacher was right.

Nosotros are 2 researchers who study decision-making and how it relates to wealth and happiness. In a report published in November 2021, we establish that, in full general, people who are ameliorate at math make more than money and are more satisfied with their lives than people who aren't as mathematically talented. Only being skillful at math seems to be a double-edged sword. Although math-proficient people are very satisfied when they have high incomes, they are more dissatisfied, compared to those who aren't as good at math, when they don't make a lot of money.

Many researchers have suggested that more money only increases life satisfaction and happiness up to a certain point. Our research modifies this thought by showing that satisfaction derived from income relates strongly to how adept a person is at math.

A person holding a pencil above a sheet of paper.

Nearly 6,000 people responded to a survey that asked about math skills, income and life satisfaction. PhotoAlto/Odilon Dimier via Getty Images

A math and happiness exam

We investigated the relationship between math ability, income and life satisfaction, using surveys sent to 5,748 diverse Americans equally part of the Understanding America Study.

The study included ii questions and one test relevant to our research. 1 question asked participants about their household yearly income. Another ane asked respondents to charge per unit how satisfied they are with their lives on a calibration of cipher to 10.

Finally, people answered eight math questions that varied in difficulty to get a sense of their math skills. For example, one of the moderately hard questions was: "Jerry received both the 15th highest and the 15th lowest mark in the class. How many students are in the class?" The correct reply is 29 students.

We and so combined the results to run across how they all related to i another.

Math skills and income too are tied to level of education, so, in our analyses, we controlled for educational activity, verbal intelligence, personality traits and other demographics.

Connecting math skills to income and satisfaction

On average, the meliorate a person was at math, the more money they made. For every ane additional right answer on the eight-question math test, people reported an average of $4,062 more in almanac income.

Imagine you have two people with the same level of didactics, one of whom answered none of the math questions correctly and the other answered all of them correctly. Our inquiry predicts that the person who answered all of the questions correctly will earn almost $30,000 more than each twelvemonth.

The survey likewise showed that people who are amend at math were, on average, also more satisfied with their lives than those with lower math ability. This finding agrees with a lot of other research and suggests that income influences life satisfaction.

But prior research has shown that the relationship between income and satisfaction is not every bit straightforward as "more than money equals greater happiness." Information technology turns out that how satisfied a person is with their income ofttimes depends on how they feel it compares to other people's incomes.

Other enquiry has besides shown that people who are ameliorate at math tend to make more numerical comparisons in general than those who are worse at math. This led our team to suspect that math-proficient people would compare incomes more, too. Our results seem to show just that.

A graph correlating math skills to life satisfaction and income.

This chart shows that people who scored highest on the math examination (ruddy line) announced to exist happiest when they make a lot of money (top correct of graph), but likewise the to the lowest degree satisfied when they make less money (bottom left of graph). Different colour lines correspond to the number of math questions answered correctly. Ellen Peters, Pär Bjälkebring, CC BY-ND

Simply put, the improve a person was at math, the more they cared most how much money they brand. People who are better at math had the highest life satisfaction when they had high incomes. Merely deriving satisfaction from income goes both ways. These people also had the lowest life satisfaction when they had lower incomes. Amidst people who aren't as skilful at math, income didn't relate to satisfaction virtually equally much. Thus, the aforementioned income was valued differently depending on a person's math skills.

Money does buy happiness for some

An often-quoted fact – backed up by research – says that once a person makes around $95,000 a year, earning more money doesn't dramatically increase satisfaction. This concept is chosen income satiation. Our enquiry challenges that blanket statement.

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Interestingly, the people who are best at math did not seem to show income satiation. They were more and more than satisfied with more income, and there didn't appear to be an upper limit. This did not agree true for people who weren't every bit talented at math. The least math-proficient group gained more than satisfaction from income only until virtually $50,000. After that, earning more than money made little divergence.

For some, money does seem to purchase happiness. While more than work needs to be done to really sympathize why, we think information technology may be because math-oriented people compare numbers – including incomes – to make sense of the world. And maybe that's not always a great thing. In comparison, those who are worse at math appear to derive life satisfaction from sources other than income. So if you are feeling dissatisfied with your income, perhaps seeing beyond the numbers will be a winning strategy for you.


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